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authorkeni7385 <andrea@andreacorsini.xyz>2022-06-04 00:09:16 +0300
committerkeni7385 <andrea@andreacorsini.xyz>2022-06-04 00:09:16 +0300
commitaa547f522941c9ba3c60dd0083305c59f717cedd (patch)
treee8ba86747892a89162288ec9be4eed738311190d /_pages
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to '_pages')
8 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_pages/computing.html b/_pages/computing.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4ed6960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/computing.html
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+TITLE="Andrea Corsini's computing"
+DESCRIPTION="List and comments about my daily personal computing, softwares and hardware I use."
+<h2>My Computing</h2>
+<p>You can find a short list of the main softwares I use daily on
+ my personal drives. My personal daily computing regards browsing
+ the internet, checking my emails, occasional coding and
+ writing.</p>
+<p>Although I do nothing fancy and complicated, I do have some
+ requirements. The main concerns are about <b>control</b>
+ and <b>lightweightness</b>. I want to be in charge of the
+ computations that happen on my machine, what is running and what
+ is not. I want to control which software is using bandwidth. I
+ want to be able to check the behaviour of any of my software,
+ and potentially change it to confomr it to my needs. I want to
+ be the user, not to be used. These thoughts are pretty much what
+ the <a href="https://www.fsf.org/">Free Software Foundation
+ (FSF)</a> and the <a href="">GNU project</a> is advocating.</p>
+<p>Not as important as the freedom on computing, I wish, whenever
+ possible, that the softwares I use are unbloated. I prefer
+ lightweight over fancy. That is why I don't mind to
+ use <em>Terminal User Interfaces (TUI)</em> over GUI when is
+ convinient to do so.</p>
+ <dt>Operative System</dt>
+ <dd>I normally run
+ <a href="https://www.archlinux.org">Arch</a>-based
+ distributions, because once installed, they contains only
+ essential softwares to get started, no unwanted bloat and I
+ can build my personal desktop directly. In particular I
+ run <a href="">Parabola GNU/Linux-libre</a>, an FSF-approved
+ 100% free (<a href="https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw">as
+ in: freedom</a>) operating system. Not any computer can run a
+ 100% free distribution, due to nonfree firmware blobs (more
+ about it in the <a href="#hardware">hardware section</a>
+ below). So in other secondary laptops that cannot run
+ Parabola, my fallback is plain Arch Linux.</dd>
+ <dt>Window Manager/Desktop Environment</dt>
+ <dd>I don't have a desktop environment, except for the
+ collection of scripts, softwares and configurations that I have
+ put together. I run
+ the <a href="https://suckless.org/">Suckless</a> window
+ manager
+ called <a href="https://dwm.suckless.org/">dwm</a> with
+ several patches applied on it. Apart from the keybings for
+ main
+ programs, <a href="https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/">dmenu</a>
+ helps me to execute the other software installed. dmenu is
+ very dynamic and easy to be integrated with other scripts and
+ utility. For instance, I use it to select wireless
+ connections, device mounts, integration with the password
+ manager and so forth.</dd>
+ <dt>Shell and Terminal</dt>
+ <dd>I use Zsh as interactive shell. I normally run the shell
+ interpreter within <a href="https://st.suckless.org/">st - simple
+ terminal</a>. I applied some reasonable patches from
+ the <a href="https://st.suckless.org/patches/">Suckless
+ collection</a>, such as scrolling, transparency, background color
+ change on focus, solarized dark theme, boxdraw and so forth. If
+ emacs is already running, I will probably use the integrated
+ terminal, instead of st.</dd>
+ <dt>Email</dt>
+ <dd>I read my emails within emacs throught mu4e, an email client
+ based on
+ <a href="https://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/">mu</a>. Its message
+ filter is super powerful, it helps me to find any message really
+ quickly. The account configurations took me time to get it right,
+ but the effort was worth.</dd>
+ <dt>Editor</dt>
+ <dd><a href="https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/">GNU Emacs</a>
+ for any task that goes further than 1 minute. Some features that
+ changed my life are org-mode (org-agenda, org-...), magit, dired,
+ tramp. I found the out-of-the-box experience really inconvinient,
+ the configuration tooks me really a lot of time, but now is tailored
+ to any task I need. For the sake of learning, I still configured
+ emacs personally, I could have gone with an Emacs distribution
+ instead? Now I am trying Emacs Doom for curiosity. For small changes
+ I go for vim. I keep my vim as simple and unpolished as possible,
+ so I can have a similar experience when I occasionally </dd>
+ <dt>Writings</dt>
+ <dd>LaTeX, Libre Office with others</dd>
+ <dt>Browser</dt>
+ <dd>IceCat or Firefox based. I like surf but is so slow</dd>
+ <dt>Passwords</dt>
+ <dd>The standard Unix pass</dd>
+ <dt>RSS reader</dt>
+ <dd>emacs ...</dd>
+ <dt>PDF reader</dt>
+ <dd>zathura, which benefits?</dd>
+ <dt>Screen eye protection</dt>
+ <dd>redshift</dd>
+<h2 id="hardware">Hardware</h2>
+<p>TP T60, libreboot, open WiFi card.</p>
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6b31665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/email.html
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+TITLE="Andrea Corsini's email contacts"
+DESCRIPTION="Andrea Corsini's email contacts"
+<p>You can reach me by email:</p>
+ <li><b>andrea</b> <code>at</code> <b>andreacorsini</b> <code>period</code> <b>xyz</b></li>
+ <li>My GPG key: <a href="andreacorsini-pubkey.txt"><code>F6E3 24C4 BB4E 8C87 9DBE
+ 463A D998 38F5 E246 2789</code></a></li>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62ea2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+TITLE="Andrea Corsini's Personal Site"
+DESCRIPTION="Andrea Corsini's personal website"
+<h2>Welcome to my website</h2>
+<img src="/images/me.jpg" width="100%">
+<p>Hi, I am Andrea, Italian graduate student, passionate for Linux technologies,
+ rollerskating and, recently, baking.</p>
+<p>Currently, I am exploring color image
+ quantization errors, and deep learning methods for signal inverse
+ problems.</p>
+<p>This website gathers <a href="/notes">my notes</a>,
+ <a href="/travels/pictures">photos</a>, and personal self-hosted services,
+ such as email, <a href="https://git.andreacorsini.xyz">git server</a>,
+ <a href="https://meet.andreacorsini.xyz">Jitsi</a> instance, calendar, Matrix
+ and others to come.</p>
+<p>Browse it <i>freely</i>!</p>
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index 0000000..e5399a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/notes/a-simple-static-website-generator.html
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+TITLE="Andrea Corsini's Notes - A simple static website generator"
+DESCRIPTION="I share and explain my simple static website generator, written in SHell scriptng from scratch."
+ <header>
+ <h2>A simple static website generator (sswg)</h2>
+ <time>June 3, 2022</time>
+ </header>
+ <nav class="toc">
+ </nav>
+ <p>Why bother creating another static website generator? There are so many
+ awesome projects out in the open source community, such as Jekyll, Hugo,
+ just to name few of them. Well, I wanted to have something dead simple, but
+ also flexible enough to be easily customized. So I wrote my own simple
+ static website generator (sswg) using SHell scripting.</p>
+ <p>This is possible because I don't need many features yet. In the future, I
+ could end up in switching to a proper generator. Anyway, for the time being I
+ can just use mine and share it here. Hopefully, it could be useful for other
+ folks that want to practice shell scripting, and/or want to implement their
+ website generator.</p>
+ <p>Here, you will find the original version and its rationale. Most likely,
+ the generator will change to cope with my website needs. You can find the
+ current version in my <a href="https://git.andreacorsini.xyz/sswg">git
+ repository</a>.</p>
+ <h3>Features</h3>
+ <p>At the time of writing, I am a simple person. I just want to:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Invoke the content generation with a simple command, such as <code>./sswg.sh</code>.</li>
+ <li>The generation should be <i>idempotent</i>.</li>
+ <li>Copy the header and footer templates in every page.</li>
+ <li>Support some simple macro substitution, to allow different title and description for each page.</li>
+ <li>Support the insertion of verbatim source code.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ <p>Anything more than that is not necessary at the moment. For example, I
+ don't need Markdown or other languages to write pages, plain HTML is good
+ enough. In the future, it would be nice to have some extra features, like
+ automatic generation of RSS and Table of Content (TOC).</p>
+ <h3>Folder structure</h3>
+ <p>My sswg is just a tiny shell script to include in the website root. In this
+ way, it can be versioned along all the other website code. The script expect
+ to find a folder tree similar to</p>
+ <samp>
+ <b>├── _assets</b><br>
+ │    ├── style.css<br>
+ │    ├── favicon.ico<br>
+ │    ├── images<br>
+ │    │     └── picture.png<br>
+ │    └── rss.xml<br>
+ <b>├── _footer.t.html</b><br>
+ <b>├── _header.t.html</b><br>
+ <b>├── _pages</b><br>
+ │     ├── email.html<br>
+ │     ├── index.html<br>
+ │     ├── my-notes.html<br>
+ │     ├── notes<br>
+ │     │     └── a-simple-static-website-generator.html<br>
+ │     └── privacy-policy.html<br>
+ <b>└── sswg.sh</b>
+ </samp>
+ <p>Only the elements in <b>bold</b> are mandatory. The other files and folders
+ are there to showcase. Once the script is invoked with <code>./sswg.sh</code>,
+ sswg will regenerate the website to the output folder, named <code>_static</code>.
+ Any content of the direcorty <code>_asset</code> will be copied to the root
+ of <code>_static</code>. The content of template
+ files <code>_header.t.html</code> and <code>_footer.t.html</code> are preposed
+ and appended to each HTML page, respectively. The sswg will copy to the output
+ folder all the HTML files contained in <code>_page</code>, as well as
+ sub-directories and images.</p>
+ <p>The output folder <code>_static</code> for this example will result in</p>
+ <samp>
+ ├── style.css<br>
+ ├── favicon.ico<br>
+ ├── images<br>
+ │     └── picture.png<br>
+ ├── rss.xml<br>
+ ├── email.html<br>
+ ├── index.html<br>
+ ├── my-notes.html<br>
+ ├── notes<br>
+ │     └── a-simple-static-website-generator.html<br>
+ └── privacy-policy.html<br>
+ </samp>
+ <h3>Add a webpage</h3>
+ <p>Each HTML page in the directory <code>_page</code> only contains the main
+ content, while header and footer are shared in every page. Thus we don't need
+ to copy them every time.</p>
+ <p>So, adding a page is very easy. Save every new page within the
+ folder <code>_page</code>, or in one of its subfolders. Start with the first
+ two lines by defining the title and description for this page, by using the
+ macro T&#8205;ITLE and D&#8205;ESCRIPTION from sswg custom syntax. Then
+ separate the macro from the rest of the page with 3 dashes "<code>---</code>".
+ For example:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ |T&#8205;ITLE=&quot;My new web page&quot;
+ |D&#8205;ESCRIPTION=&quot;This page contains information about...&quot;
+ |---
+ |&lt;h2&gt;TI&#8205;TLE&lt;/h2&gt;
+ |# This is a sswg comment.
+ |&lt;p&gt;A page can contain whatever valid HTML code.&lt;/p&gt;
+ |</pre>
+# Test comment.
+ <p>The example also shows comments syntaxt. Every line which starts with a
+ hash mark # is considered as a source comment. Hence, it won't be copied in
+ the final static HTML page.</p>
+ <h3>Header and Footer templates</h3>
+ <p>Inside <code>_header.t.html</code> write the page content from the DOCTYPE
+ tag, to the navigation of your page, until the beginning of your main content.
+ Use the macros <code>TI&#8205;TLE</code> and <code>D&#8205;ESCRIPTION</code> for HTML title
+ and meta description. The generator will overwrite them with the value specified
+ within the HTML page. Here an example of header templete:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ |&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
+ |&lt;html&gt;
+ | &lt;head&gt;
+ | &lt;title&gt;TI&#8205;TLE&lt;/title&gt;
+ | &lt;meta name=&quot;description&quot; content=&quot;DE&#8205;SCRIPTION&quot;&gt;
+ | &lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;/css/style.css&quot; media=&quot;screen&quot;&gt;
+ | &lt;link rel=&quot;shortcut icon&quot; href=&quot;/favicon.ico&quot; type=&quot;image/x-icon&quot;&gt;
+ | &lt;/head&gt;
+ |
+ | &lt;body&gt;
+ | &lt;header&gt;
+ | &lt;h1&gt;Generic website title&lt;/h1&gt;
+ | &lt;div&gt;
+ | &lt;aside&gt;I believe in personal digital freedom&lt;/aside&gt;
+ | &lt;nav&gt;
+ | &lt;a href=&quot;/index.html&quot;&gt;Home&lt;/a&gt; |
+ | &lt;a href=&quot;/my-notes.html&quot;&gt;My notes&lt;/a&gt; |
+ | &lt;a href=&quot;/email.html&quot;&gt;Email&lt;/a&gt;
+ | &lt;/nav&gt;
+ | &lt;/div&gt;
+ | &lt;/header&gt;
+ | &lt;main&gt;
+ |</pre>
+ <p>Similarly to the header, <code>_footer.t.html</code> contains all the rest
+ of the website to be inserted at the end of each page. No macro substitution
+ is needed in this file. Here an example:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ | &lt;/main&gt;
+ | &lt;footer&gt;
+ | &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;/rss.xml&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;/images/feed.svg&quot;&gt;Feed RSS&lt;/a&gt;.
+ | &lt;p&gt;Copyright &amp;copy; 2020-2021 Acme -
+ | &lt;a href=&quot;/privacy-policy.html&quot;&gt;Privacy policy&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+ | &lt;/footer&gt;
+ | &lt;/body&gt;
+ |&lt;/html&gt;
+ |</pre>
+ <h3>Inserting verbatim source code</h3>
+ <p>I would like the HTML code assembled by sswg to maintain a proper
+ indentation. Therefore, the script takes care about indenting the page
+ contents between the header and footer templates. However, this is an issue
+ for the verbatim source code.</p>
+ <p>Indeed, any sort of white-spaces indentation added to the content of the
+ code block tags (<code>&lt;pre&gt;...&lt;/pre&gt;</code>) is interpreted by
+ browsers as white-space characters of the verbatim code. Therefore, the
+ white-space characters will appear in the code blocks, resulting in unwanted
+ spaces.</p>
+ <p>To solve this issue, I decided to prepose every code block with a pipe
+ character |. The sswg script will take care in removing the pipe and
+ white-space characters. For example, the code</p>
+ |<pre>
+ | |&lt;pre&gt;
+ | |cd
+ | |ls -la
+ | |&lt;/pre&gt;
+ |</pre>
+ <p>will be transformed into the HTML source code</p>
+ |<pre>
+ |&lt;pre&gt;
+ |cd
+ |ls -la
+ |&lt;/pre&gt;
+ |</pre>
+ <h3>Code step by step</h3>
+ <p>By the time you will read this article, the code might have changed. So you
+ will find the current version in the
+ repository <a href="https://git.andreacorsini.xyz/sswg">git.andreacorsini.xyz/sswg</a>.</p>
+ <p>For what concern the early static website generator script, it starts by
+ setting constants for folders and template elements:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ |#!/bin/sh
+ |
+ |SSWG_OUTPUT_DIR="_static"
+ |SSWG_ASSETS_DIR="_assets"
+ |SSWG_PAGES_DIR="_pages"
+ |SSWG_HEADER_TEMPLATE="_header.t.html"
+ |SSWG_FOOTER_TEMPLATE="_footer.t.html"
+ |</pre>
+ <p>Second, the output folder <code>_static</code> is cleaned:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ |rm -rf "$SSWG_OUTPUT_DIR"
+ |mkdir "$SSWG_OUTPUT_DIR"
+ |</pre>
+ <p>So, be careful if you copied something inside it. It is wiser to copy
+ external files into <code>_assets</code>, as they will be automatically copied
+ back into <code>_static</code>:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ |</pre>
+ <p>Then, we can finally generate each HTML page:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ |for page in $(find "$SSWG_PAGES_DIR" -iname '*.html' -o \
+ | -iname '*.jpg' -o -iname '*.jpeg' -o -iname '*.png');
+ |do
+ | filename="$SSWG_OUTPUT_DIR/${page##$SSWG_PAGES_DIR/}"
+ | mkdir -p "`dirname $filename`"
+ |
+ | if [ "${filename##*.}" = "html" ]; then
+ |</pre>
+ <p>Prepose the header template:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ | cat "$SSWG_HEADER_TEMPLATE" >> "$filename"
+ |</pre>
+ <p>Indentation in the page content to match the header level:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ | cat "$page" | awk '
+ | BEGIN {print ""}
+ | FNR>3 {print " " $0}
+ | END {print ""}' >> "$filename"
+ |</pre>
+ <p>Append the footer template:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ | cat "$SSWG_FOOTER_TEMPLATE" >> "$filename"
+ |</pre>
+ <p>To perform the macro substitution, firstly shell-evaluate the first two
+ lines of the page. They are supposed to contain a shell-like declaration of the
+ variables TI&#8205;TLE and DES&#8205;CRIPTION. Secondly, each macro can be
+ substituted in the whole document.</p>
+ |<pre>
+ | eval `cat "$page" | awk 'FNR<3'`
+ | sed -i'' "s@TI&#8205;TLE@$TIT&#8205;LE@g" "$filename"
+ | sed -i'' "s@DES&#8205;CRIPTION@$DES&#8205;CRIPTION@g" "$filename"
+ |</pre>
+ <p>We can now remove comments and pipe + white-spaces:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ | sed -i'' "/^[ \t]*#/d" "$filename"
+ | sed -i'' "s/^[ \t]*|//g" "$filename"
+ |</pre>
+ <p>Continue with the rest of the script. If we are not reading an HTML file,
+ it could be either an image or a folder. Just copy it to its destination
+ in <code>_static</code>:</p>
+ |<pre>
+ | else
+ | cp $page $filename
+ | fi;
+ |done;
+ |</pre>
+ <hr>
+ <h3>Conclusion</h3>
+ <p>Static website generators are valid lightweight alternatives to more
+ complicate and larger content management systems (CMS), such as Wordpress.
+ They are normally simple to use, requires no databases, neither complicated
+ install procedures. Users are in control throught text files.</p>
+ <p>This post showed how to write a simple static website generator (sswg) to get our
+ web pages started. So far, the generator script has only bare-bones
+ functionalities, but it is simple enough to be extended with additional
+ features.</p>
+ <p>I hope you found this post useful and interesting. Don't hesitate to
+ contact me for any questions or comments.</p>
diff --git a/_pages/notes/index.html b/_pages/notes/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dca7b9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/notes/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+TITLE="Andrea Corsini's Personal Notes"
+DESCRIPTION="Posts about anything I want to share, such as ideas, thoughts, learning"
+<h2>My Notes</h2>
+ <time datetime="2022-06-03">June 3, 2022</time>
+ <br>
+ <a href="/notes/a-simple-static-website-generator.html">A simple static website generator (sswg)</a>
+# <ul>
+# <li>Why <em>&#8220;I have nothing to hide&#8221;</em> is not a reasonable excuse for personal digital freedom</li>
+# <li>On the importance of donations to Libre and Open Source software.</li>
+# </ul>
diff --git a/_pages/privacy-policy.html b/_pages/privacy-policy.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2264187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/privacy-policy.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+TITLE="Privacy policy in andreacorsini.xyz"
+DESCRIPTION="A very easy privacy policy: no data is collected in this website."
+<h2>Privacy policy</h2>
+<p>This website is proud to be free from <q>BloatScripts</q>, advertising,
+ cookies, tracking/telemtry systems and other nasty non-free garbage that we are
+ sadly used to experience nowadays on the web. Hence, no data is collected
+ directly.</p>
+<p>If you use my <a href="/email.html">email</a> to contact me, you
+ implicitely agree to be contacted back in order to receive an answer.</p>
+<p>Currently, your IP and requests are recorded in the logs of my webserver
+ for security reasons. Logs are cleared every 5 days. The records are processed only
+ by free and open source security tools, such as <var>fail2ban</var>. Your IP
+ might be automatically recorded in the <i>deny list</i> for longer time or
+ permanently, in case you are conducting malicious activity towards my server
+ instances.</p>
diff --git a/_pages/travels/index.html b/_pages/travels/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8755893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/travels/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+TITLE="Andrea Corsini's travels"
+DESCRIPTION="Andrea Corsini's travels and photos"
+<p><a href="/travels/pictures"><img src="/images/camera-2-icon.png" /></a> Browse
+ my photos in the <a href="/travels/pictures">travel pictures</a> folder.
+ Although I'm not an expert photographer, I like to share some pictures from my
+ trips.</p>
+<p>How I like to travel:</p>
+ <li>Prefer journeys over vacations, backpacks over suitcases, active over
+ comfy.</li>
+ <li>Look for something different, seek the unexpected. Don't try to replace what you have elsewhere.</li>
+ <li>Experience characteristic coucines and trust the locals.</li>
+ <li>Come back home with your spirit enriched (probably not the wallet).</li>
+<p>I have recognised the importance of travelling only during my
+ undergraduate and graduate studies. I was lucky to have the possibility to
+ combine studies and new cultural experiences.</p>
+<p>Beside the usual good time spent in vacations with my family, I had
+ experienced three very intense long journeys. I will share more about each of
+ them in a separate blog post. So far, I summarise them here.</p>
+<h3>Journey to the East</h3>
+<p>This chapter of my life started with my exchange in the mainland China.
+ Between 2015 and 2016, I have spent the second grade of my bachelor's in
+ Shanghai. For a young western in his 20s, that was quite a shock initially,
+ but it slowly transitioned to a melting pot of fantastic memories and people.
+ During the various national holidays, I had the chance to travel around China
+ and south-east Asia. In 2017/2018, I came back to Shanghai, to experience the
+ working-life in the metropolis.</p>
+<h3>Balkan flavours</h3>
+<p>Two weeks in the middle of 2018's summer. I started this trip by visiting
+ Hungary and Slovenia in the Central Europe. Then the trip proceeded down to
+ the Southeastern Europe, passing through Croatia and finally reaching
+ Sarajevo. The culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina was fascinating, a real
+ authentic bridge between western and middle-east traditions. I want to explore
+ more this corner of Europe, since this was just a taste.</p>
+<p>Before this trip, I was ignoring most of the countries in this region. Of
+ course we learnt about them in our education, but you know, names and
+ geographical position easily fade away when you only experience them in few
+ hours during classes.</p>
+<h3>Europe Rediscovery</h3>
+<p>The long time spent in Asia amazed me, but also made me re-appreciate what we
+ have here in Europe. For example, it's easy to travel around with a simple ID
+ card, by trains, ferries and cheap flights.</p>
+<p>Because of this and many other reasons, during my master's degree, I enrolled
+ in the <a href="https://masterschool.eitdigital.eu">EIT Digital master
+ school</a>. This programme fosters the entrepreneurial spirit of ICT students,
+ beside their technical major courses. It also lets us studying in two
+ different University around Europe, to experience different environments. In
+ my case, I chose Milano (Italy) and Helsinki (Finland). What's more, the
+ master school organises other side events, such as the
+ programme <i>kick-off</i> in Paris and a summer school in Stockholm (Sweden).
+ Thanks to this project, I could join an exciting network of like-minded
+ students. This is definitely a <i>plus</i>, which enriched the overall
+ experience. Unfortunately, near the end of my programme, a world-wide pandemic
+ stroke all over the globe.</p>
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new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/travels/pictures/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+TITLE="Listing of Pictures"
+DESCRIPTION="Listing of Pictures"
+<h2>Listing of Picture Thumbnails</h2>
+<!-- Generated by thumbnail_page.pl by jcv http://www.netpurgatory.com/ -->
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+<a href="./estonia/tallin/index.html">estonia/tallin</a>
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+<a href="./finland/index.html">finland</a>
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+<a href="./finland/porvo/index.html">finland/porvo</a>
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+<a href="./finland/tampere/index.html">finland/tampere</a>
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+<a href="./taiwan/jiufeng/index.html">taiwan/jiufeng</a>
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+<a href="./taiwan/taipei/index.html">taiwan/taipei</a>
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