path: root/_pages/computing.html
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+TITLE="Andrea Corsini's computing"
+DESCRIPTION="List and comments about my daily personal computing, softwares and hardware I use."
+<h2>My Computing</h2>
+<p>You can find a short list of the main softwares I use daily on
+ my personal drives. My personal daily computing regards browsing
+ the internet, checking my emails, occasional coding and
+ writing.</p>
+<p>Although I do nothing fancy and complicated, I do have some
+ requirements. The main concerns are about <b>control</b>
+ and <b>lightweightness</b>. I want to be in charge of the
+ computations that happen on my machine, what is running and what
+ is not. I want to control which software is using bandwidth. I
+ want to be able to check the behaviour of any of my software,
+ and potentially change it to confomr it to my needs. I want to
+ be the user, not to be used. These thoughts are pretty much what
+ the <a href="https://www.fsf.org/">Free Software Foundation
+ (FSF)</a> and the <a href="">GNU project</a> is advocating.</p>
+<p>Not as important as the freedom on computing, I wish, whenever
+ possible, that the softwares I use are unbloated. I prefer
+ lightweight over fancy. That is why I don't mind to
+ use <em>Terminal User Interfaces (TUI)</em> over GUI when is
+ convinient to do so.</p>
+ <dt>Operative System</dt>
+ <dd>I normally run
+ <a href="https://www.archlinux.org">Arch</a>-based
+ distributions, because once installed, they contains only
+ essential softwares to get started, no unwanted bloat and I
+ can build my personal desktop directly. In particular I
+ run <a href="">Parabola GNU/Linux-libre</a>, an FSF-approved
+ 100% free (<a href="https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw">as
+ in: freedom</a>) operating system. Not any computer can run a
+ 100% free distribution, due to nonfree firmware blobs (more
+ about it in the <a href="#hardware">hardware section</a>
+ below). So in other secondary laptops that cannot run
+ Parabola, my fallback is plain Arch Linux.</dd>
+ <dt>Window Manager/Desktop Environment</dt>
+ <dd>I don't have a desktop environment, except for the
+ collection of scripts, softwares and configurations that I have
+ put together. I run
+ the <a href="https://suckless.org/">Suckless</a> window
+ manager
+ called <a href="https://dwm.suckless.org/">dwm</a> with
+ several patches applied on it. Apart from the keybings for
+ main
+ programs, <a href="https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/">dmenu</a>
+ helps me to execute the other software installed. dmenu is
+ very dynamic and easy to be integrated with other scripts and
+ utility. For instance, I use it to select wireless
+ connections, device mounts, integration with the password
+ manager and so forth.</dd>
+ <dt>Shell and Terminal</dt>
+ <dd>I use Zsh as interactive shell. I normally run the shell
+ interpreter within <a href="https://st.suckless.org/">st - simple
+ terminal</a>. I applied some reasonable patches from
+ the <a href="https://st.suckless.org/patches/">Suckless
+ collection</a>, such as scrolling, transparency, background color
+ change on focus, solarized dark theme, boxdraw and so forth. If
+ emacs is already running, I will probably use the integrated
+ terminal, instead of st.</dd>
+ <dt>Email</dt>
+ <dd>I read my emails within emacs throught mu4e, an email client
+ based on
+ <a href="https://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/">mu</a>. Its message
+ filter is super powerful, it helps me to find any message really
+ quickly. The account configurations took me time to get it right,
+ but the effort was worth.</dd>
+ <dt>Editor</dt>
+ <dd><a href="https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/">GNU Emacs</a>
+ for any task that goes further than 1 minute. Some features that
+ changed my life are org-mode (org-agenda, org-...), magit, dired,
+ tramp. I found the out-of-the-box experience really inconvinient,
+ the configuration tooks me really a lot of time, but now is tailored
+ to any task I need. For the sake of learning, I still configured
+ emacs personally, I could have gone with an Emacs distribution
+ instead? Now I am trying Emacs Doom for curiosity. For small changes
+ I go for vim. I keep my vim as simple and unpolished as possible,
+ so I can have a similar experience when I occasionally </dd>
+ <dt>Writings</dt>
+ <dd>LaTeX, Libre Office with others</dd>
+ <dt>Browser</dt>
+ <dd>IceCat or Firefox based. I like surf but is so slow</dd>
+ <dt>Passwords</dt>
+ <dd>The standard Unix pass</dd>
+ <dt>RSS reader</dt>
+ <dd>emacs ...</dd>
+ <dt>PDF reader</dt>
+ <dd>zathura, which benefits?</dd>
+ <dt>Screen eye protection</dt>
+ <dd>redshift</dd>
+<h2 id="hardware">Hardware</h2>
+<p>TP T60, libreboot, open WiFi card.</p>