You can find a short list of the main softwares I use daily on
+ my personal drives. My personal daily computing regards browsing
+ the internet, checking my emails, occasional coding and
+ writing.
Although I do nothing fancy and complicated, I do have some
+ requirements. The main concerns are about control
+ and lightweightness. I want to be in charge of the
+ computations that happen on my machine, what is running and what
+ is not. I want to control which software is using bandwidth. I
+ want to be able to check the behaviour of any of my software,
+ and potentially change it to confomr it to my needs. I want to
+ be the user, not to be used. These thoughts are pretty much what
+ the Free Software Foundation
+ (FSF) and the GNU project is advocating.
Not as important as the freedom on computing, I wish, whenever
+ possible, that the softwares I use are unbloated. I prefer
+ lightweight over fancy. That is why I don't mind to
+ use Terminal User Interfaces (TUI) over GUI when is
+ convinient to do so.
Operative System
I normally run
+ Arch-based
+ distributions, because once installed, they contains only
+ essential softwares to get started, no unwanted bloat and I
+ can build my personal desktop directly. In particular I
+ run Parabola GNU/Linux-libre, an FSF-approved
+ 100% free (as
+ in: freedom) operating system. Not any computer can run a
+ 100% free distribution, due to nonfree firmware blobs (more
+ about it in the hardware section
+ below). So in other secondary laptops that cannot run
+ Parabola, my fallback is plain Arch Linux.
Window Manager/Desktop Environment
I don't have a desktop environment, except for the
+ collection of scripts, softwares and configurations that I have
+ put together. I run
+ the Suckless window
+ manager
+ called dwm with
+ several patches applied on it. Apart from the keybings for
+ main
+ programs, dmenu
+ helps me to execute the other software installed. dmenu is
+ very dynamic and easy to be integrated with other scripts and
+ utility. For instance, I use it to select wireless
+ connections, device mounts, integration with the password
+ manager and so forth.
Shell and Terminal
I use Zsh as interactive shell. I normally run the shell
+ interpreter within st - simple
+ terminal. I applied some reasonable patches from
+ the Suckless
+ collection, such as scrolling, transparency, background color
+ change on focus, solarized dark theme, boxdraw and so forth. If
+ emacs is already running, I will probably use the integrated
+ terminal, instead of st.
I read my emails within emacs throught mu4e, an email client
+ based on
+ mu. Its message
+ filter is super powerful, it helps me to find any message really
+ quickly. The account configurations took me time to get it right,
+ but the effort was worth.
GNU Emacs
+ for any task that goes further than 1 minute. Some features that
+ changed my life are org-mode (org-agenda, org-...), magit, dired,
+ tramp. I found the out-of-the-box experience really inconvinient,
+ the configuration tooks me really a lot of time, but now is tailored
+ to any task I need. For the sake of learning, I still configured
+ emacs personally, I could have gone with an Emacs distribution
+ instead? Now I am trying Emacs Doom for curiosity. For small changes
+ I go for vim. I keep my vim as simple and unpolished as possible,
+ so I can have a similar experience when I occasionally
LaTeX, Libre Office with others
IceCat or Firefox based. I like surf but is so slow
diff --git a/_pages/index.html b/_pages/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62ea2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+TITLE="Andrea Corsini's Personal Site"
+DESCRIPTION="Andrea Corsini's personal website"
Welcome to my website
Hi, I am Andrea, Italian graduate student, passionate for Linux technologies,
+ rollerskating and, recently, baking.
Currently, I am exploring color image
+ quantization errors, and deep learning methods for signal inverse
+ problems.
This website gathers my notes,
+ photos, and personal self-hosted services,
+ such as email, git server,
+ Jitsi instance, calendar, Matrix
+ and others to come.
Browse it freely!
diff --git a/_pages/notes/a-simple-static-website-generator.html b/_pages/notes/a-simple-static-website-generator.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5399a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/notes/a-simple-static-website-generator.html
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+TITLE="Andrea Corsini's Notes - A simple static website generator"
+DESCRIPTION="I share and explain my simple static website generator, written in SHell scriptng from scratch."
A simple static website generator (sswg)
Why bother creating another static website generator? There are so many
+ awesome projects out in the open source community, such as Jekyll, Hugo,
+ just to name few of them. Well, I wanted to have something dead simple, but
+ also flexible enough to be easily customized. So I wrote my own simple
+ static website generator (sswg) using SHell scripting.
This is possible because I don't need many features yet. In the future, I
+ could end up in switching to a proper generator. Anyway, for the time being I
+ can just use mine and share it here. Hopefully, it could be useful for other
+ folks that want to practice shell scripting, and/or want to implement their
+ website generator.
Here, you will find the original version and its rationale. Most likely,
+ the generator will change to cope with my website needs. You can find the
+ current version in my git
+ repository.
At the time of writing, I am a simple person. I just want to:
Invoke the content generation with a simple command, such as ./
The generation should be idempotent.
Copy the header and footer templates in every page.
Support some simple macro substitution, to allow different title and description for each page.
Support the insertion of verbatim source code.
Anything more than that is not necessary at the moment. For example, I
+ don't need Markdown or other languages to write pages, plain HTML is good
+ enough. In the future, it would be nice to have some extra features, like
+ automatic generation of RSS and Table of Content (TOC).
Folder structure
My sswg is just a tiny shell script to include in the website root. In this
+ way, it can be versioned along all the other website code. The script expect
+ to find a folder tree similar to
Only the elements in bold are mandatory. The other files and folders
+ are there to showcase. Once the script is invoked with ./,
+ sswg will regenerate the website to the output folder, named _static.
+ Any content of the direcorty _asset will be copied to the root
+ of _static. The content of template
+ files _header.t.html and _footer.t.html are preposed
+ and appended to each HTML page, respectively. The sswg will copy to the output
+ folder all the HTML files contained in _page, as well as
+ sub-directories and images.
The output folder _static for this example will result in
Each HTML page in the directory _page only contains the main
+ content, while header and footer are shared in every page. Thus we don't need
+ to copy them every time.
So, adding a page is very easy. Save every new page within the
+ folder _page, or in one of its subfolders. Start with the first
+ two lines by defining the title and description for this page, by using the
+ macro TITLE and DESCRIPTION from sswg custom syntax. Then
+ separate the macro from the rest of the page with 3 dashes "---".
+ For example:
+ |
+ |TITLE="My new web page"
+ |DESCRIPTION="This page contains information about..."
+ |---
+ |<h2>TITLE</h2>
+ |# This is a sswg comment.
+ |<p>A page can contain whatever valid HTML code.</p>
+ |
+# Test comment.
The example also shows comments syntaxt. Every line which starts with a
+ hash mark # is considered as a source comment. Hence, it won't be copied in
+ the final static HTML page.
Header and Footer templates
Inside _header.t.html write the page content from the DOCTYPE
+ tag, to the navigation of your page, until the beginning of your main content.
+ Use the macros TITLE and DESCRIPTION for HTML title
+ and meta description. The generator will overwrite them with the value specified
+ within the HTML page. Here an example of header templete:
Similarly to the header, _footer.t.html contains all the rest
+ of the website to be inserted at the end of each page. No macro substitution
+ is needed in this file. Here an example:
I would like the HTML code assembled by sswg to maintain a proper
+ indentation. Therefore, the script takes care about indenting the page
+ contents between the header and footer templates. However, this is an issue
+ for the verbatim source code.
Indeed, any sort of white-spaces indentation added to the content of the
+ code block tags (<pre>...</pre>) is interpreted by
+ browsers as white-space characters of the verbatim code. Therefore, the
+ white-space characters will appear in the code blocks, resulting in unwanted
+ spaces.
To solve this issue, I decided to prepose every code block with a pipe
+ character |. The sswg script will take care in removing the pipe and
+ white-space characters. For example, the code
+ |
+ | |<pre>
+ | |cd
+ | |ls -la
+ | |</pre>
+ |
will be transformed into the HTML source code
+ |
+ |<pre>
+ |cd
+ |ls -la
+ |</pre>
+ |
Code step by step
By the time you will read this article, the code might have changed. So you
+ will find the current version in the
+ repository
For what concern the early static website generator script, it starts by
+ setting constants for folders and template elements:
So, be careful if you copied something inside it. It is wiser to copy
+ external files into _assets, as they will be automatically copied
+ back into _static:
To perform the macro substitution, firstly shell-evaluate the first two
+ lines of the page. They are supposed to contain a shell-like declaration of the
+ variables TITLE and DESCRIPTION. Secondly, each macro can be
+ substituted in the whole document.
We can now remove comments and pipe + white-spaces:
+ |
+ | sed -i'' "/^[ \t]*#/d" "$filename"
+ | sed -i'' "s/^[ \t]*|//g" "$filename"
+ |
Continue with the rest of the script. If we are not reading an HTML file,
+ it could be either an image or a folder. Just copy it to its destination
+ in _static:
Static website generators are valid lightweight alternatives to more
+ complicate and larger content management systems (CMS), such as Wordpress.
+ They are normally simple to use, requires no databases, neither complicated
+ install procedures. Users are in control throught text files.
This post showed how to write a simple static website generator (sswg) to get our
+ web pages started. So far, the generator script has only bare-bones
+ functionalities, but it is simple enough to be extended with additional
+ features.
I hope you found this post useful and interesting. Don't hesitate to
+ contact me for any questions or comments.
diff --git a/_pages/notes/index.html b/_pages/notes/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dca7b9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/notes/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+TITLE="Andrea Corsini's Personal Notes"
+DESCRIPTION="Posts about anything I want to share, such as ideas, thoughts, learning"
Why “I have nothing to hide” is not a reasonable excuse for personal digital freedom
On the importance of donations to Libre and Open Source software.
diff --git a/_pages/privacy-policy.html b/_pages/privacy-policy.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2264187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/privacy-policy.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+TITLE="Privacy policy in"
+DESCRIPTION="A very easy privacy policy: no data is collected in this website."
Privacy policy
This website is proud to be free from BloatScripts, advertising,
+ cookies, tracking/telemtry systems and other nasty non-free garbage that we are
+ sadly used to experience nowadays on the web. Hence, no data is collected
+ directly.
If you use my email to contact me, you
+ implicitely agree to be contacted back in order to receive an answer.
Currently, your IP and requests are recorded in the logs of my webserver
+ for security reasons. Logs are cleared every 5 days. The records are processed only
+ by free and open source security tools, such as fail2ban. Your IP
+ might be automatically recorded in the deny list for longer time or
+ permanently, in case you are conducting malicious activity towards my server
+ instances.
diff --git a/_pages/travels/index.html b/_pages/travels/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8755893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/travels/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+TITLE="Andrea Corsini's travels"
+DESCRIPTION="Andrea Corsini's travels and photos"
+ my photos in the travel pictures folder.
+ Although I'm not an expert photographer, I like to share some pictures from my
+ trips.
How I like to travel:
Prefer journeys over vacations, backpacks over suitcases, active over
+ comfy.
Look for something different, seek the unexpected. Don't try to replace what you have elsewhere.
Experience characteristic coucines and trust the locals.
Come back home with your spirit enriched (probably not the wallet).
I have recognised the importance of travelling only during my
+ undergraduate and graduate studies. I was lucky to have the possibility to
+ combine studies and new cultural experiences.
Beside the usual good time spent in vacations with my family, I had
+ experienced three very intense long journeys. I will share more about each of
+ them in a separate blog post. So far, I summarise them here.
Journey to the East
This chapter of my life started with my exchange in the mainland China.
+ Between 2015 and 2016, I have spent the second grade of my bachelor's in
+ Shanghai. For a young western in his 20s, that was quite a shock initially,
+ but it slowly transitioned to a melting pot of fantastic memories and people.
+ During the various national holidays, I had the chance to travel around China
+ and south-east Asia. In 2017/2018, I came back to Shanghai, to experience the
+ working-life in the metropolis.
Balkan flavours
Two weeks in the middle of 2018's summer. I started this trip by visiting
+ Hungary and Slovenia in the Central Europe. Then the trip proceeded down to
+ the Southeastern Europe, passing through Croatia and finally reaching
+ Sarajevo. The culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina was fascinating, a real
+ authentic bridge between western and middle-east traditions. I want to explore
+ more this corner of Europe, since this was just a taste.
Before this trip, I was ignoring most of the countries in this region. Of
+ course we learnt about them in our education, but you know, names and
+ geographical position easily fade away when you only experience them in few
+ hours during classes.
Europe Rediscovery
The long time spent in Asia amazed me, but also made me re-appreciate what we
+ have here in Europe. For example, it's easy to travel around with a simple ID
+ card, by trains, ferries and cheap flights.
Because of this and many other reasons, during my master's degree, I enrolled
+ in the EIT Digital master
+ school. This programme fosters the entrepreneurial spirit of ICT students,
+ beside their technical major courses. It also lets us studying in two
+ different University around Europe, to experience different environments. In
+ my case, I chose Milano (Italy) and Helsinki (Finland). What's more, the
+ master school organises other side events, such as the
+ programme kick-off in Paris and a summer school in Stockholm (Sweden).
+ Thanks to this project, I could join an exciting network of like-minded
+ students. This is definitely a plus, which enriched the overall
+ experience. Unfortunately, near the end of my programme, a world-wide pandemic
+ stroke all over the globe.
diff --git a/_pages/travels/pictures/index.html b/_pages/travels/pictures/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e1cfdc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/travels/pictures/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+TITLE="Listing of Pictures"
+DESCRIPTION="Listing of Pictures"